A Dream So Big automatically piqued my interest because my husband lived 5 of his pre-teen years in Africa and African missions are interesting (and somewhat familiar) to me. Although my husband lived in a different country in Africa (because Africa is a continent, not a country), there were many things that were familiar to me from my husband's family's experience, which I believe did slightly enhance my enjoyment in reading the book.
With that being said, I believe that anyone would enjoy and be inspired by the Peifer's story in A Dream So Big. The book is laid out mostly chronologically (so it is easy to follow along in the story) and is almost diary-like - with small snippets of information, not a completely continuous flow of the story.
The story does come from a sad beginning but follows a truly inspiring path - one that makes me want to give more and do more. It shows the amazing ways that God can use our lives - in the things that may seem unimportant to us but can come to a place where they make an impact later. As Steve Peifer says in the book:
"...there are no little things, [but] if we give ourselves to what we've been called to do, it's always big." (p. 236)
This is a wonderful book and I absolutely recommend that you read it.
I also recommend that you consider giving financial support to the Peifers & Kenya Kids Can (through Africa Inland Mission) to help further their school lunch program and computer center program, or just support their family directly as they live and work in Kenya.
FTC Declaration: The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book or advanced reading copy through BookSneeze®. This does not change the fact that I will give my honest opinion in my reviews.