Faith Builders Bible is sure to be a hit with any LEGO/brick/building block loving child. (Disclaimer: This Bible has no specific affiliation with LEGO or any other building block company, to my knowledge.) My sons (ages 6 & 9) were trying to claim it as their own as soon as it entered our house.
Faith Builders Bible is the New International Reader's Version (NIrV) version of the Bible. The NIrV is a simplified version of the NIV, written at approximately a 3rd grade reading level. The NIrV is composed of smaller, easy-to-understand words in shorter sentences than the traditional NIV.

Faith Builders Bible has all black text (including headings and the words of Christ), laid out in two columns. The text is standard size - not large, but not extra small. There are no study notes or footnotes in the
Faith Builders Bible, just strictly Bible text. Within the text, quotes from other places in the Bible are cited directly (in parenthesis) after the quote. (Example: John 3:3 has a quote from Isaiah 40:3.) There are no maps like you might find in many Bibles.
At the back of the
Faith Builders Bible are two study helps: a 5-page dictionary (words & definitions, but no verse references) and lists compiling 92 "Great Bible Stories" (with verse references). The "Great Bible Stories" lists would be great to use for monthly reading plans.
The "flair" of the
Faith Builders Bible comes in with the full-color pages that are placed throughout the Bible. (The pages are a bit thicker than the text pages.) At the beginning of the
Faith Builders Bible is an insert containing the presentation page, a two-page "Building With Books of the Bible" spread, and a "Can You Build..." page.
The "Building With Books of the Bible" spread shows all of the books of the Bible, grouped by category (Law, History, Poetry, Gospels, Letters, etc.). I loved the idea that is shared on this page - to write the name of each of the books of the Bible on a brick and then stack them in the correct order. There is also a "Building Block Verse" found on this page (which are also found on every insert page, including the presentation page).
The "Can You Build..." page has three verses and simple building projects (no instructions included), along with another "Building Block Verse".
Each insert throughout the text in the
Faith Builders Bible is a full-color (front and back) page. Each of these has a brick depiction (brickpiction?) of the topic, a little portion to read about the topic, and a "Building Block Verse". Here are the topics covered in the inserts:
- Noah Builds an Ark
- Animals 2x2
- Building the Tower of Babel
- The Ten Commandments
- Building the Tabernacle
- Solomon Builds God's Temple
- Bringing Down Jericho
- Samson's Demolition
- David Defeats Goliath
- Psalm 23: A Psalm of David
- Jesus is Born
- Feeding a Crowd
- A Change of Heart (Zacchaeus)
- Jesus Walks on Water
- The Last Supper
- Jesus and the Cross
- The Lord's Prayer
- The ABCs of Salvation
- The Fruit of the Spirit
- Building with a Strong Foundation
I liked that the topics covered on the full-color inserts in the
Faith Builders Bible aren't necessarily what would typically be pointed out in a children's Bible (stories like Adam & Eve, Jonah, etc.) - it gave a unique perspective for this Bible. I also liked that in the topic discussion it often (but not always) prompts the child to try to build a scene with their bricks. With all the things kids can build with their LEGO collections, a Bible scene is certainly a great suggestion.
Faith Builders Bible has the basics you need, with the extras that will draw in a variety of children. I think any brick-loving child would love to have this Bible.
FTC Declaration: The publisher and/or the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book or advanced reading copy. This does not change the fact that I will give my honest opinion in my reviews.