Economics for Everybody is a combination DVD and study guide (available from Timberdoodle) discussing economics with a biblical perspective.
Watching the first two sessions of Economics for Everybody, I was just about ready to excuse my children from the room. Although I was able to follow the material (having a basic understanding of economics), they were not able to easily follow along with some of the material being covered, and I could see it on their faces. They are currently in 2nd, 5th, and 8th grades - and this is recommended as part of Timberdoodle's 12th Grade Curriculum Kit, so I knew it would quite possibly be out of age range for 2 out of 3 of them.
I understand that the information in the first two sessions would be hard to place (you want to show it as a foundation for the principles learned, but then need to have a basic understanding of the principles in order to understand what is being said)...I would probably have preferred to start at session 3.
Once we got into the 3rd session, the information was good, and very accessible. We did do some pausing to make sure everyone was following along, but in general the information was helped along with practical applications of the information. This made it so that even my 2nd grader was getting enough out of it that he could coerce his sister into playing with him ("Division of Labor"). ;)
Although I am not sure the "for Everybody" portion of the title is completely accurate, I would say this is a great place to get an introduction to (or refresher on) Economics for a variety of ages.