Love Letters from God: Bible Stories is a great book that takes you through 18 popular Bible stories (9 from the Old Testment and 9 from the New Testament), with a "Love Letter from God" to go along with each story. Each love letter is adhered to the page, and the contents of the letter can be accessed by lifting the flap. The pages and love letters are a good weight - not exactly as thick as heavyweight cardstock, but not so thin that you should have to worry much about your 4-8 year olds ripping the pages (unless they are generally rough on books). Each love letter beings with "Dear _______," so a child's name can be written in if you choose. At the end of the book is also an invitation to "join Jesus' team" and a blank love letter to God that can be filled in by the child.
Each Bible story is retold as a story (not the Biblical text). The retellings are cute, but if you are looking for something that is strictly biblically accurate, this book is probably not what you are looking for. (For example, the fruit in the story of "The Sneaky Snake" is referred to over and over again as a "special, shiny apple".) I think it is the same with most Bible story books - with each story the author will take certain creative liberties with the retelling.
Along with each story is a verse ("God's Wonderful Words to You") that goes along with the theme of the story. (The verse is not taken from the story itself.) Each "Love Letter from God" goes along with the theme as well. The themes are a wonderful start to discussions with your child(ren) about how God is with us, God loves us, we are special to God, and God will never leave us.
The illustrations by Sophie Allsopp are great. Each full-color, two-page spread gives the child plenty to look at without being overwhelming. The illustrations are mainly hand-drawn, but there are a few scanned/photographed pieces mixed in. I wish the illustrations had all been hand-drawn - the artist is very talented.I think Love Letters from God: Bible Stories is a great book to share with little ones. This is one of those instances where I think it is important that you go with your gut. If you don't like the idea of an author writing words "from God", this is not a book I would suggest for you. If you don't like the idea of Bible stories told in words other than what is directly written in the Bible, this book is not for you. But, if you like to use a variety of books to tell your children about God and His love, and appreciate the perspective and creativity of a variety of authors and artists - get Love Letters from God: Bible Stories to share with your loved ones.

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