The NIV Bible for Teen Guys is a Bible from Zondervan, specially designed for teen guys. (I received a hardcover Bible to review, but it also comes in a two imitation leather/softcover options: blue or charcoal.) The hardcover is printed with the image you see - there is no dust jacket.
The pages in the NIV Bible for Teen Guys are appealing and very easy on the eyes. It has all black text (including the words of Christ) with various golden brown accents (headings, chapter numbers, etc.), laid out in two columns. This is the NIV version of the Bible (© 1973, 1978, 1984, & 2011). The text is standard size - not large, but not extra small. It does contain some basic footnotes. There is a pretty presentation page (on glossy paper), printed with an image similar to what you see on the cover.
There is a brief, single-page introduction for each book of the Bible. Each introduction covers a few basic things about the book ("When Did This Happen?", "Who Is In This Book?", "Verses You Might Recognize", and "What's It About?").
There are 360+ devotions in the NIV Bible for Teen Guys - so you could easily use this for a yearly devotional.
I do think it is important to point out that there is a reason this Bible is marked for "teen guys" and not just "guys" - the topics in a few of the devotions reference dating, sex, pornography, drinking, dark arts/occult etc. Whether or not you decide your guy (teen or otherwise) is ready to take on these topics is up to you, but I wanted to be sure to make it clear that these topics are addressed so that you can make an informed decision.
The devotions are placed throughout the Bible, and you can also find the devotions by looking at two indexes at the back of the Bible - one listed by topic ("Topical Index") and one listed in order of appearance ("Index of Devotions for Building Faith, Wisdom, and Strength"). The topical index is a helpful resource and will reference a devotion multiple times if it fits into multiple categories. Some of the devotions are excerpts from other books, but some appear to be exclusive to this Bible.
In addition to the devotions, there are pages devoted to 50+ men of the Bible. These are placed throughout the Bible, and you can also find them by looking at the index at the back of the Bible ("Men of the Bible Index").
There is also a Concordance (approx. 80 pages) at the back of the NIV Bible for Teen Guys. There are no maps like you might find in the back of some Bibles.
All in all, I think that the NIV Bible for Teen Guys is a good choice for a Bible for teen guys.