The concept for the Mean Girl Makeover Series is fantastic. Each book in the series focuses on the problem of bullying from a different perspective - the victim, the bystander, and the bully. Sorry I'm Not Sorry shows the perspective of the bully. Before reading Sorry I'm Not Sorry I was wondering if having three books about the same situation would be too redundant, but after reading it, that is no longer a concern. I think the author did a wonderful job and both my daughter (age 11 1/2) and I are hoping to read the other two books.
In Sorry I'm Not Sorry, we are taken behind the scenes as Kylie (the bully) is forced to comply with the consequences of her actions. I don't want to give too much away, so I will just say that it is interesting to follow along on Kylie's journey and see how her attitude morphs over time.
One thing I didn't care for in the book was the harsh nicknames and descriptions that were given to some of the characters in the book, but I do understand that it was done in a fairly realistic way taking into consideration the topic at hand. I hope that anyone who would be reading these books would understand that we should be kind and loving to others (even in our thoughts), and realize that the harshness that is shown is not something that we should emulate.
Overall, I thought Sorry I'm Not Sorry was very well done and an interesting read. I hope to be able to read the other two books in the Mean Girl Makeover Series, even if I am reading them out of order.

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